Friday, March 26, 2010


Yesterday when I checked my agency's Yahoo group, I realized that I had been skipped. The couple under me on the waitlist received a referral for a baby girl. It hit me hard and I was thankful that Levi was preoccupied with watching Dora as the sadness washed over me. It was going to happen, that couples lower on the list would get referrals before me since singles are being spaced out, but it didn't seem like it would really happen until it did.

But I'm doing alright. I have had my moments of sadness and anger and I've poured it out to God. And life continues.


Shelby said...

I am so sorry. I'm a single mom who just passed court and am awaiting my travel date with another agency. I can imagine your sadness and frustration in this part of the process. Each agency deals with singles in their own peculiar way; very few all that fairly, it seems. I hope your day comes soon.

HollyMarie said...

I'm sorry Beth! I know that you are trusting in God to bring you together with exactly the baby girl He has in mind for you, but it is still hard to see yourself passed over because of your singleness. I pray that your wait is coming to an end soon.

Beth said...

I'm so very sorry, Beth.

Jerry said...

We feel the hurt with you, because we know how greata parent you will be. Discrimination takes many forms. Love, Dad

KimC said...

Oh Beth-
I know exactly how you feel. When I was skipped over before I received my referral, I just wailed. I was so upset. Then I knew that God had the perfect child coming my way and it helped a lot. Hang in there.

Mandy said...

I just know your wait will be over soon!! I'm praying for you and Levi.

Angela said...

(((hugs))) you're in my thoughts Beth! I truly hope your news comes soon! Thinking of you!