Saturday, December 12, 2009


Ever since I started Levi's adoption there have been rumors of Ethiopia closing to singles. It is a possibility. Today another one is on the large forum that I read; that Ethiopia's Ministry of Womens Affairs (MOWA) is not accepting any more dossiers of single applicants as of yesterday. Sigh. It will take a week or two to see if there is any truth to this rumor. So far, all similar rumors have proven to be untrue.

I trust that God knows where my next child is and that He will lead me to the country and to the child meant to be in our family, but it is hard to trust sometimes when I have my own ideas and hopes. Pray that His path for us will be clear and that He will bless this process.

I also know that reading the forums and even sometimes the blogs are not always helpful. I feel like they have distorted adoption for me to some extent and I lose my focus. I have to remind myself to go back to where it began, to South Africa where I held 5 precious babies for a month. These babies needed a family; they had no families that could care for them. Can you imagine? There are babies and children in the world that need families! And I believe that there is one more that is meant to be in our family, not to change the world, but to change that child's life and ours. Levi and I have the room, the heart, and the desire.


Margaret and Cordel said...

Praying that God's will be done as you progress in this new adoption journey!!!!!

Mandy said...

I am so excited for you and Levi! Your last paragraph here brought tears to my eyes...I can't wait for the day when I too, can start the process of adoption. So many children out there need homes. I will try to remember to keep you guys in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

WE ARE SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! I will pray you have a smooth process and the rumors stay rumors.