Thursday, December 10, 2009

Application Approved

My application has been approved and I can start my homestudy now. I will call DA Blodgett today to start setting this up. When I was reading the adoption forum yesterday, one family said they received their referral only two weeks after their homestudy was done. The referral was for a baby girl. That is incredible! Life is busy right now, but I am eager to find a good balance between teaching, spending time with Levi, and working on the paperwork for this adoption.

Levi continues to be excited about being a big brother. Even though it will be quite an adjustment for us; he loves being around other people and he will be such a good brother.

1 comment:

HollyMarie said...

Wow, Beth... that is just incredible! I really hope that the process is speedy for you so that you can get through w/out being in danger of ET closing to singles. What a blessing. I hope your homestudy process goes smoothly.