Monday, December 28, 2009

1st Homestudy Meeting

Today I met with my homestudy social worker at her office. We talked for a good hour and a half about my desire to adopt from Ethiopia, my family, Levi, and life as a single mom. At one point she refered to my next child as 'your daughter'. I cannot tell you how this made me feel, and, yes, I am officially requesting a girl 0-18 months. Having my social worker refer to my daughter starts to make this all see so much more real than it has before. Next week we will have our second meeting. Then on the 14th, she will come to our house and meet Levi and look around the house. I could tell that she really wanted to meet Levi after we talked about him for a while.

I also went to get a document state sealed. The Secretary of States office is in a mall, and so I stopped at Old Navy there and bought a little pink sweatshirt for my future daughter; the first clothing that I have bought for her. I need to seriously start getting some more clothes for her. All of this boy stuff surrounds me. I can't wait to bring in the pink.


HollyMarie said...

How exciting Beth! When you get your referral you'll have to tell me right away and I may just have a whole lot of really cute clothes to send your way. :) Or at least a few! ;)

Mandy said...

I echo Holly: how exciting!! I will keep you and Levi in my prayers during this time.

Meg said...

"Your daughter" will be home so soon! Glad to follow your journey.

Lori said...

So excited for you!!